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Thursday, March 29, 2007

US Senate Bill: Climate Change = Security Threat

Michael A. Rozengurt, an oceanographer with hundreds of publications under his belt on estuarine impacts of hydroelectric projects, has written letters to various people, including former US President Bill Clinton, and also a paper over 15 years ago in a security journal on how some water impoundment projects amount to a security threat via water supplies being placed in jeopardy, making conflicts more likely.

On my private blog, (this will make sense in a second) I'm subscribed to something called "secrecy news" published on the web by the Federation of American Scientists. So today I was intrigued and rather relieved to see that FAS is reporting that the US Senate has tabled a bipartisan bill that climate change represents a security threat.

Score one for the scientists. More politicians seem to be coming out of their semi-stupor.