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Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Star Party, April 21st - and you're invited!

International Astronomy Day is coming! Many events are planned across North America. And most are open to the the public and families.

In the US, Astronomy Magazine is having a contest with giveaways. Plus, they have a list of events across the USA. The University of Arizona invites you to "Share the Stars" as they host an Astronomy Day for the public.

Here in Canada the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada has a list of Canadian events.

For those in Ottawa, click here for plans. If you are in Kingston, click here. Information on International Astronomy Day for residents of Victoria is here.

And don't forget this: the Ottawa Valley Astronomy & Observers Group is also inviting everyone to come out to their free outdoor event. It's all day on Sat. April 21st, in the parking lot next to Chapter's in the East end at 2401 City Park Drive, near Ogilvy Road. That's from 10 am to 10 pm Saturday April 21st. You'll be able to check out different sizes and kinds of telescope. Plus view the sun safely with their special filtered telescopes. Also see the moon - even in broad daylight. Plus video imaging of star clusters and galaxies.
Astrophotography, a slide show, info displays and free handouts.

They will be having a giant public viewing session from sunset to 10 pm - weather permitting, you'll be able to see the rings of Saturn, craters on the moon and lots more. Bring the whole family. If the weather runs foul they will have an indoor display inside Chapter's.