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Saturday, May 05, 2007

Sunday (Meteor) Showers,Virus Targets USB Stick Drives

This Sunday night Earth drives straight through the trail of debris left by Hailey's Comet: the Eta Aquarids meteor shower. Dust and debris will slam into our planet's atmosphere at 66 km./second.

The meteor shower is visible anywhere on earth at about 2 am local time. Because it's a full moon all but the biggest brightest bits will be hard to see, though. Bring a blanket somewhere dark outside and lie down for best viewing. Click here for info on where to look in the sky. The eta Aquarids are best viewed in the southern hemisphere; die hards up here in the no-longer-so-frozen north, can expect about 5 to 10 shooting stars each hour.

Computer crackers are up to no good, as usual. Crackers, or black hats are computer geeks (a.k.a. hackers) who have crossed over to the darkside. Crackers latest hack is spread viruses by targetting USB 'stick drives' or flash drives.

Which just goes to show you you need to be careful where you stick your stick, I suppose.