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Sunday, July 15, 2007

And Now to Tackle Last Week's Technical Difficulties!

Ah the life of an introvert - it's 2 in the am and here I am typing. Never mind that I am braindead, this is what it is to be a writer. You just gotta write.

Anyway, enough about me - what I really came to talk-type to you about was the show.

Last week must ahve been the annual revolt of the Machines. My printer defied me. Then my computer had an apoplectic hissy fit. I simply couldn't get the copy of the script I needed. And it was a beautiful script. And still is!

And so I will bring it to you *this* week, complete with some summer music with a technological twist. But last week, it was mutiny of the machines - so I shut them both off and went to reair.

I still cut intros and extros and deadheaded the staledated stuff. And then edited it all, just for our listeners. It was till revolt of the machines though becasue of course do you think the CD would work? nooooo... However my trusty science officer here on the Good Ship Let X = X, now acting second in command, yes, He of the Space Groupies, who you can see in the side column if you scroll down... resplendent in his brown suit and Ferengi mask, snapped to attention and brought in the media goods. So you all goat show. Aren't you happy? A round of applause, please for Mark Young.

This week I am starting early on my quest for a hard copy of the script; wish me luck!

As to the content see last week's post.