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Wednesday, May 09, 2007

China Adding Toxins On Purpose; Motive May Be Sinister

Melamine is a plastic. Aminopterin is a toxic folic acid analogue and a rat poison (banned, at least in North America). Cyanuric acid is a pool chemical.

None of them should be on anyone's menu. But now pigs, (see here also), as well as chicken and fish have been found to have been fed food containing contaminated feed grade grain products - all from China.

The FDA suspects that China is adding nitrogen-rich toxins DELIBERATELY to grain products to jack apparent protein contents and they have found there way into our food supplies. And not just our pets' food.


Scientists have found that combining melamine and cyanuric acid produces crystals like those found in the pets who died after eating the contaminated food. Here is another report about the chemical reaction.

"Our food-safety system is broken," Rosa L. DeLauro, Chair of the US House Subcommittee that funds the Food and Drug Administration and the Department of Agriculture, told UP reporters in this Science Daily article on the tainted farmed fish.

She's hardly understating the problem.

Meanwhile over on the Huffington Post, David Goldstein says he's having a crisis of faith in the US FDA, which he terms the faith-based Dining system. Some interesting quotes on that site.

The plot is very thick at this point - the motive - sell inferior goods for a fattened profit margin to the gaijin: The International Herald Tribune is reporting that Chinese chemical producers say it's common knowledge that ... for years feed producers in China have quietly and secretly used cyanuric acid to cheat buyers of animal feed. Two of the chemical makers said that Chinese feed producers used cyanuric acid because it is even cheaper than melamine and is also high in nitrogen, enabling feed producers to artificially lift the protein reading of the feed.

Over a month ago when the pet food scandal first came to light, I held back from reporting what my gut and intuition knew to be true - that the toxins had been added on purpose. "Why would someone do that?" I wondered to myself. Also I had no hard evidence at that time - just a sneaking suspicion that since feed grains are eaten by more than just pets, the initial scandal was just the tip of the iceberg. I really truly wish I had been wrong. But no - the scandal keeps getting bigger and the plot has thickened and stinks considerably more than when I predicted it would get messy and ugly. It's not just wheat gluten, it's rice and corn and who knows what else in the Chinese grain department.

What are we feeding our animals? What are we feeding ourselves? Should we be trading with regimes that are unprincipalled enough to sell us garbage?

And why is ANYONE in North America buying wheat form the Chinese who have enough trouble feeding themselves, when Canada, the United States, Russia and Ukrainian are the largest wheat producers in the world??

Is it just all about money? Maybe not! There may be VERY SINISTER REASON the Chinese governemnt is allowing this if the expatriate Chinese journalists over at Epoch Times are correct. China has imprisoned several of the news outlet's reporters.

According to two speeches by CCP's former Defense Minister, Chi Haotian and published by the Epoch Times, China's government plans to exterminate US citizens. Here is the other article "The War Is Approaching Us". Chi was responsible for and in operational command during the Tianammen Square massacres in the 1990's. The Epoch Times is run by people who do a lot of investigative work in China. I hope they are wrong but my gut says this article is true. The country is strapped for space, they have annexed Tibet. They would stand to gain a lot of land and resources if they could take over North America. The Chinese government is not without a plausible motive to follow through on Chi's Mein Kampf-esque ideas.