Getcher extra cute Giant Microbe plush doll! You know you
want one...


Wednesday, May 09, 2007

A Very Fly Show - part 1 of the Best of Let X = X

From May 14th to June 4th, the station is installing new on-air studios. This means our production studios will be used for on air, as well as for on-air guests. To avoid a production nightmare as everyone scurries for time slots around live shows (gah!) I decided we would air 4 weeks of some of the best of our shows from the last year.

Let X = X, every Wednesdays, you can listen via the web, 9:15 am-9:30 am. Right after the Garden Spot News. Just click the link on the side bar! You will need Real Player but you can download it at our live webcast link.

So this week, tune in and enjoy our special re-broadcast this week where we look at some biological links to food and forensics to a new patented method of preventing listeria in deli meats, to why a beloved (to some) food was banned by at least one government, and the lowdown on cheese and bacon and ham skippers and hoppers.

After breakfast biology on CKCU-FM!