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Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Animal Tagging To Be Required in US + Lab Meat Update

For all of you who are dreading possible National ID tags, and think life might be easier as a chicken, in the US at least, if you were to get your wish, apparently you might still be out of luck. All animals in the US are to be given ID tags through the NAIS legislation, says

Just what is NAIS? The USDA's National Animal Identification System. According to the site's webmaster, Vermont farmer, Walter Jeffries, NAIS is harmful to small farmers, homesteaders, pet owners & consumers. All Americans who own any animals whatsoever will be required to tag them. This includes homesteaders with very small numbers of animals, as well as any and all pets owned by everyone in the US.

PBS has pictures of lab grown meat (which look huighly unappetizing) plus an online survey to see if people would be willing to eat lab-cultured meat. They say that most tissue that has been engineered is from frog and goldfish stem cells.