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Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Fowl Flavours in Your Meat?

If you think your burger tastes crappy, you might be onto something - some Canadian livestock producers are feeding utter crap to their animals. But the CFIA is on the case.

CFIA is short for the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. And the CFIA's fine inspectors are today reminding all livestock producers not to feed of any form of poultry manure (including poultry litter) to livestock as this is still illegal in Canada. (It's legal anywhere else?!?) The Canadian CFIA originally published information on the ban in December of 1998, as "Information Note on the Feeding of Poultry Manure to Cattle". Apparantly that didn't stop some livestock producers and the CFIA has since "successfully prosecuted several producers who kept feeding animals destined for human consumption fowl feces. Yum! Somewhat reassuring is the fact that the agency's follow-up inspections have found a significant decline in the use of poultry manure as a feed ingredient.