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Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Toxic Toothpaste in Some North American Stores

Counterfeit contaminated Colgate toothpaste has been found in North American dollar stores. The tubes say they are manufactured in South Africa. But Colgate does not manufacture any toothpaste in South Africa. The fine print on the tubes is riddles with spelling errors. According to this report in the Globe and Mail says FDA and Health Canada are on the case.

The toothpaste has been found to contain diethylene glycol, or DEG, rather than the non-toxic glycerin it is supposed to contain. Diethylene glycol is one form of antifreeze. Some reports of illnesses have surfaced in New York state. Contaminated tubes were found in a dollar store in Guelph, Ontario.

Colgate has set up a toll-free line to call if you have concerns: 1 800 468 6502.

Here is Colgate's release (N.B., they have a 1-800 number set up).

Counterfeit Colgate Toothpaste Found

New York, New York, June 14, 2007...The Colgate�Palmolive Company today warned that counterfeit toothpaste falsely packaged as "Colgate" has been found in several dollar-type discount stores in four states: New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Maryland. There are indications that this product does not contain fluoride and may contain Diethylene Glycol. The Company stated that it does not use, nor has ever used, Diethylene Glycol as an ingredient in Colgate toothpaste anywhere in the world.

The counterfeit toothpaste can be easily recognized because it is labeled as "Manufactured in South Africa." Colgate does not import toothpaste into the United States from South Africa. In addition, the counterfeit packages examined so far have several misspellings including: "isclinically" "SOUTH AFRLCA" "South African Dental Assoxiation".

Counterfeit toothpaste is not manufactured or distributed by Colgate and has no connection with the Company whatsoever. Colgate is working closely with the US FDA to help to identify those responsible for the counterfeit product.

Consumers who suspect they may have purchased counterfeit product, can call Colgate's toll-free number at 1 800 468 6502.